listenin tamamı, oyuncuların diğer başarılı performanslarıyla birlikte, şöyledir:
150. robert shaw - quint / jaws (1976)
diğer roller: henry viii (a man for all seasons), lord randolph churchill (young winston), doyle lonnegan (the sting).
149. nastassja kinski - jane henderson / paris, texas (1984)
diğer roller: tess durbeyfield (tess), leila (one from the heart), irena gallier (cat people).
148. christian bale - patrick bateman / american psycho (2000)
diğer roller: bruce wayne (the dark knight), trevor reznik (the machinist).
147. matt damon - will hunting / good will hunting (1997)
diğer roller: tom ripley (the talented mr ripley), jason bourne (the bourne trilogy).
146. michelle pfeiffer - susie diamond / the fabulous baker boys (1989)
diğer roller: sukie ridgemont (the witches of eastwick), catwoman (batman returns), ellen olenska (the age of innocence).
145. james cagney - arthur cody jarrett / white heat (1949)
diğer roller: tom powers (public enemy), eddie bartlett (the roaring twenties), george m cohan (yankee doodle dandy).
144. kim basinger - lynn bracken / la confidential (1997)
143. romain duris - thomas seyr / the beat that my heart skipped (2005)
142. james dean - jett rink / giant (1956)
diğer roller: jim stark (rebel without a cause).
141. halle berry - leticia musgrove / monster's ball (2001)
140. james spader - james ballard / crash (1996)
diğer roller: graham dalton (sex, lies and videotape), mr grey (secretary).
139. montgomery clift - matthew garth / red river (1948)
diğer roller: robert e lee prewitt (from here to eternity), dr john cukrowicz (suddenly, last summer).
138. forest whitaker - charlie 'yardbird' parker / bird (1988)
diğer roller: jody (the crying game), ghost dog (ghost dog the way of the samurai), idi amin (the last king of scotland).
137. lauren bacall - vivian rutledge / the big sleep (1942)
diğer roller: marie browning (to have and have not), ma ginger (dogville).
136. eddie murphy - kit / jiff ramsey / bowfinger (1999)
diğer roller: reggie hammond (48 hours), billy ray valentine (trading places), axel foley (beverly hills cop).
135. judy garland - vicki lester / a star is born (1954)
diğer roller: dorothy (the wizard of oz), esther smith (meet me in st louis).
134. morgan freeman - ellis boyd 'red' redding / the shawshank redemption (1994)
diğer roller: ned logan (unforgiven), detective lt william somerset (se7en), eddie ‘scrap-iron’ dupris (million dollar baby).
133. christopher guest - nigel tufnel / this is spinal tap (1984)
diğer roller: count tyrone rugen (the princess bride), harlan pepper (best in show).
132. john cusack - martin q blank / grosse pointe blank (1997)
diğer roller: lloyd dobler (say anything), roy dillon (the grifters), craig schwartz (being john malkovich).
131. charlie chaplin - a tramp / city lights (1931)
130. kirk douglas - chuck tatum / ace in the hole (1951)
diğer roller: doc holliday (gunfight at the ok corral), colonel dax (paths of glory), spartacus (spartacus), jack andrus (two weeks in another town).
129. gena rowlands - gloria swenson / gloria (1980)
diğer roller: minnie moore (minnie and moskowitz), mabel longhetti (a woman under the influence).
128. ben kingsley - don logan / sexy beast (2000)
diğer roller: mahatma gandi (gandi).
127. steve mcqueen - capt virgil hilts / the great escape (1963)
diğer roller: vin (the magnificent seven), bullitt (bullitt), junior bonner (junior bonner).
126. richard dreyfuss - roy neary / close encounters of the third kind (1977)
125. alec guinness - everyone / kind hearts and coronets (1949)
diğer roller: fagin (oliver twist), colonel nicholson (the bridge on the river kwai), obi-wan kenobi (star wars).
124. joseph gordon-levitt - neil mccormick / mysterious skin (2004)
diğer roller: brendan (brick).
123. sidney poitier - virgil tibbs / in the heat of the night (1967)
noah cullen (the defiant ones), homer smith (lilies of the field), mark thackeray (to sir, with love), dr john wade prentice (guess who’s coming to dinner?).
122. naomi watts - betty elms / mulholland drive (2001)
diğer roller: cristina peck (21 grams), ellie parker (ellie parker).
121. julianne moore - carol white / safe (1995)
diğer roller: marian wyman (short cuts), amber waves (boogie nights), cathy whitaker (far from heaven).
120. martin sheen - kit carruthers / badlands (1973)
diğer roller: captain benjamin l willard (apocalypse now), greg stillson (the dead zone), carl fox (wall street), president josiah “jed” bartlet (the west wing).
119. isabelle huppert - erika kohut / the piano teacher (2001)
diğer roller: nelly (loulou), lena (coup de foudre), anne (la séparation).
118. john malkovich - the vicomte sebastian de valmont / dangerous liaisons (1986)
diğer roller: mitch leary (in the line of fire), john malkovich (being john malkovich).
117. spencer tracy - john j macreedy / bad day at black rock (1955)
diğer roller: joe wilson (fury), sam craig (woman of the year), stanley t banks (father of the bride).
116. jeanne moreau - catherine / jules et jim (1961)
diğer roller: jeanne tournier (les amants), célestine (journal d’une femme de chambre), maria ii (viva maria!).
115. ellen burstyn - sara goldfarb / reqiuem for a dream (2000)
diğer roller: alice hyatt (alice doesn’t live here anymore), chris macneil (the exorcist).
114. henry fonda - frank / once upon a time in the west (1968)
diğer roller: abraham lincoln (young mr lincoln), tom joad (the grapes of wrath), wyatt earp (my darling clementine), juror #8 (12 angry men).
113. winona ryder - veronica sawyer / heathers (1989)
diğer roller: lydia deetz (beetle juice).
112. jeremy irons - elliot and beverly mantle / dead ringers (1988)
diğer roller: claus von bülow (reversal of fortune).
111. susan surandon - annie sovoy / bill durham (1988)
diğer roller: sally matthews (atlantic city), louise sawyer (thelma & louise), sister helen prejean (dead man walking).
110. richard e grant - withnail / withnail and i (1986)
109. sean connery - james bond / goldfinger (1964)
diğer roller: joe roberts (the hill), jim malone (the untouchables).
108. takashi shimura - kanji watanabe / ikiru (1954)
diğer roller: kambei shimada (seven samurai).
107. mia farrow - rosemary woodhouse / rosemary's baby (1968)
diğer roller: daisy buchanan (the great gatsby), hannah (hannah and her sisters).
106. john travolta - tony manero / saturday night fever (1977)
diğer roller: jack terry (blow out), vincent vega (pulp fiction).
105. heath ledger - the joker / the dark knight (2008)
diğer roller: ennis del mar (brokeback mountain), dan (candy), robbie (i’m not there).
104. woody allen - isaac davis / manhatten (1979)
diğer roller: alvy singer (annie hall), mickey sachs (hannah and her sisters), professor gabriel roth (husbands and wives), harry block (deconstructing harry).
103. uma thurman - the bride / kill bill (2003)
diğer roller: mia wallace (pulp fiction), andera (beautiful girls).
102. jon voight - luke martin / coming home (1978)
diğer roller: joe buck (midnight cowboy), ed (deliverance).
101. jeff bridges - jeffrey 'the dude' lebowski / the big lebowski (1998)
diğer roller: duane jackson (the last picture show), richard bone (cutter’s way), starman (starman).
100. javier bardem - anton chigurh / no country for old men (2007)
diğer roller: ramón sampedro (the sea inside), reinaldo arenas (before night falls), david (live flesh).
99. marilyn monroe - sugar kane kowalczyk / some like it hot (1959)
diğer roller: lorelei lee (gentlemen prefer blondes), the girl (the seven year itch), roslyn taber (the misfits).
98. daniel craig - james bond / casino royale (2006)
diğer roller: george (love is the devil).
97. mark wahlberg - dirk diggler / boogie nights (1997)
diğer roller: sgt dignam (the departed).
96. paul giamatti - miles raymond / sideways (2004)
diğer roller: harvey pekar (american splendor).
95. gene kelly - don lockwood / singing in the rain (1952)
diğer roller: jerry mulligan (an american in paris).
94. meg ryan - sally albright / when harry met sally (1989)
diğer roller: annie reed (sleepless in seattle), frannie (in the cut).
93. harvey keitel - the lieutenant / bad lieutenant (1992)
diğer roller: charlie (mean streets), jerry (blue collar), jimmy fingers (fingers), mr white (reservoir dogs).
92. reese witherspoon - tracy flick / election (1999)
diğer roller: june carter (walk the line).
91. tom hanks - chuck noland / cast away (2002)
diğer roller: josh baskin (big), andrew beckett (philadelphia), captain john h miller (saving private ryan).
90. paddy considine – richard / dead man’s shoes (2004)
diğer roller: morrell (a room for romeo brass) le donk (le donk & scor-zay-zee).
89. harrison ford - han solo / star wars (1977)
diğer roller: indiana jones (raiders of the lost ark), allie fox (the mosquito coast).
88. audrey hepburn - holly golightly / breakfast at tiffany’s (1961)
diğer roller: princess anne (roman holiday), regina lampert (charade), maid marian (robin and marian).
87. orson welles - harry lime / the third man (1949)
diğer roller: charles foster kane (citizen kane), hank quinlan (touch of evil).
86. jim carrey - joel barish / eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
diğer roller: truman burbank (the truman show), andy kaufman (man on the moon).
85. peter lorre - hans beckert / m (1931)
diğer roller: joel cairo (the maltese falcon), abbott (the man who knew too much).
84. cate blanchett - jude quinn / i’m not there (2007)
diğer roller: queen elizabeth i (elizabeth), katharine hepburn (the aviator).
83. boris karloff - the monster / frankenstein (1931)
diğer roller: john grey (the body snatcher), prof marcus monserrat (the sorcerers), byron orlok (targets).
82. dylan baker - bill maplewood / happiness (1998)
81. angelina jolie - mariane pearl / a mighty heart (2007)
diğer roller: gia carangi (gia), lisa (girl, interrupted).
80. peter sellers - capt lionel mandrake/president merkin muffley / dr strangelove (1963)
diğer roller: fred kite (i’m all right jack), inspector jacques clouseau (the pink panther), chance (being there).
79. buster keaton - johnny gray / the general (1927)
diğer roller: willie mckay (our hospitality), sherlock jr (sherlock jr), william canfield jr (steamboat bill, jr).
78. arnold schwarzenegger - the terminator / the terminator (1984)
diğer roller: t-800 (terminator 2 judgment day).
77. cary grant - tr devlin / notorious (1946)
diğer roller: ck dexter haven (the philadelphia story), roger o thornhill (north by northwest).
76. benicio del toro - ernesto che guevara / che (2008)
diğer roller: fred fenster (the usual suspects), javier rodriguez (traffic), jack jordan (21 grams).
75. catherine deneuve - séverine serizy / belle de jour (1967)
diğer roller: carole (repulsion), tristana (tristana).
74. charlize theron - aileen wournos / monster (2003)
diğer roller: josey aimes (north country), detective emily sanders (in the valley of elah).
73. clint eastwood - harry callahan / dirty harry (1971)
diğer roller: the man with no name (the dollars trilogy), william munny (unforgiven), robert kincaid (the bridges of madison county).
72. edward norton - derek vinyard / american history x (1998)
diğer roller: aaron stampler (primal fear), the narrator (fight club).
71. frances mcdormand - marge gunderson / fargo (1996)
diğer roller: abby (blood simple), doris crane (the man who wasn’t there).
70. gregory peck - atticus finch / to kill a mockingbird (1962)
diğer roller: lewt mccanles (duel in the sun), jimmy ringo (the gunfighter), sam bowden (cape fear).
69. ryan gosling - dan dunne / half nelson (2006)
diğer roller: danny balint (the believer).
68. holly hunter - ada mcgrath / the piano (1993)
diğer roller: jane craig (broadcast news), helen remington (crash).
67. james woods - richard boyle / salvador (1986)
diğer roller: max renn (videodrome).
66. katharine hepburn - tracy lord / the philadelphia story (1940)
diğer roller: tess harding (woman of the year), susan vance (bringing up baby).
65. kathy bates - annie wilkes / misery (1990)
diğer roller: libby holden (primary colours), roberta hertzel (about schmidt).
64. linda fiorentino - bridget gregory/wendy kroy / the last seduction (1994)
63. toshiro mifune - sanjuro kuwabatake / yojimbo (1961)
diğer roller: tajomaru (rashômon), kikuchiyo (seven samurai).
62. vincent gallo - billy brown / buffalo ’66 (1998)
61. nicolas cage - ben sanderson / leaving las vegas (1995)
diğer roller: sailor (wild at heart), charlie/donald kaufman (adaptation).
60. nicole kidman - grace margaret mulligan / dogville (2003)
diğer roller: suzanne maretto (to die for), anna (birth).
59. brad pitt - tyler durden / fight club (1999)
diğer roller: detective david mills (se7en).
58. rosalind russell - hildy johnson / his girl friday (1939)
diğer roller: sylvia fowler (the women), mame dennis (auntie mame), rose hovick (gypsy).
57. michael rooker – henry / henry portrait of a serial killer (1986)
56. barbara stanwyck - phyllis dietrichson / double indemnity (1944)
diğer roller: megan davis (the bitter tea of general yen), jessica drummond (forty guns), jean harrington (the lady eve).
55. johnny depp - edward scissorhands / edward scissorhands (1990)
diğer roller: ed wood (ed wood), william blake (dead man), capt jack sparrow (pirates of the caribbean).
54. christopher walken - frank white / king of new york (1990)
diğer roller: nick (the deer hunter), captain koons (pulp fiction).
53. leonardo dicaprio - arnie grape / what’s eating gilbert grape? (1993)
diğer roller: tobias wolff (this boy’s life), romeo (romeo + juliet), billy costigan (the departed).
52. dennis hopper - frank booth / blue velvet (1986)
diğer roller: kansas (the last movie), don barnes (out of the blue).
51. bill murray - phil connors / groundhog day (1993)
diğer roller: dr peter venkman (ghostbusters), herman blume (rushmore), bob harris (lost in translation).
50. matthew broderick - ferris bueller / ferris bueller’s day off (1986)
diğer roller: jim mcallister (election).
49. humphrey bogart - dixon steele / in a lonely place (1950)
diğer roller: rick blaine (casablanca).
48. anthony hopkins - hannibal lecter / the silence of the lambs (1991)
diğer roller: dr frederick treves (the elephant man), mr stevens (remains of the day), richard nixon (nixon).
47. sigourney weaver - lt ellen ripley / aliens (1986)
diğer roller: dian fossey (gorillas in the mist).
46. robert mitchum - harry powell / the night of the hunter (1955)
diğer roller: jeff bailey (out of the past), max cady (cape fear), john dickinson (dead man).
45. samuel l jackson - jules winnfield / pulp fiction (1994)
diğer roller: gator purify (jungle fever), ordell (jackie brown).
44. jean-paul belmondo - michel poiccard / breathless (1960)
diğer roller: leon morin (léon morin, prêtre), silien (le doulos), ferdinand griffon (pierrot le fou).
43. ray winstone – ray / nil by mouth (1997)
diğer roller: carlin (scum), gary ‘gal’ dove (sexy beast).
42. setsuko hara - noriko hirayama / tokyo story (1953)
diğer roller: noriko (late spring), noriko (early summer), ogata kikuko (sound of the mountain), akiko (late autumn).
41. malcolm mcdowell - alex delarge / a clockwork orange (1971)
diğer roller: mick travis (if….).
40. john wayne - ethan edwards / the searchers (1956)
diğer roller: thomas dunson (red river), sheriff chance (rio bravo), rooster cogburn (true grit).
39. kevin spacey - roger ‘verbal’ kint / the usual suspects (1995)
diğer roller: buddy ackerman (swimming with sharks), john doe (se7en), lester burnham (american beauty).
38. klaus kinski - don lope de aguirre / aguirre, wrath of god (1972)
diğer roller: count dracula (nosferatu), friedrich johann franz woyzeck (woyzeck), brian sweeney fitzgerald (fitzcarraldo).
37. joe pesci - tommy devito / goodfellas (1990)
diğer roller: joey la motta (raging bull).
36. peter finch - howard beale / network (1976)
diğer roller: oscar wilde (the trials of oscar wilde), jake armitage (the pumpkin eater), dr daniel hirsh (sunday bloody sunday).
35. sissy spacek - carrie white / carrie (1976)
diğer roller: holly (badlands), loretta lynn (coal miner’s daughter), beth horman (missing).
34. russell crowe - maximus decimus meridius / gladiator (2000)
diğer roller: hando (romper stomper), bud white (la confidential), jeffrey wigand (the insider).
33. robert duvall - lt. col. bill kilgore / apocalypse now (1979)
diğer roller: tom hagen (the godfather), dr watson (the seven-per-cent solution), euliss ‘sonny’ dewey (the apostle).
32. burt lancaster - jj hunksecker / sweet smell of success (1957)
diğer roller: “swede” anderson (the killers), elmer gantry (elmer gantry).
31. david thewlis – johnny / naked (1993)
30. gloria swanson - norma desmond / sunset boulevard (1950)
diğer roller: sadie thompson (sadie thompson), queen kelly (queen kelly).
29. steve martin - johnny gray / the man with two brains (1983)
diğer roller: roger cobb (all of me), cd ‘charlie’ bales (roxanne).
28. maria falconetti - joan of arc / the passion of joan of arc (1928)
27. anthony perkins - norman bates / psycho (1960)
diğer roller: chaplain capt at tappman (catch-22), joseph k (the trial).
26. gary oldman - bex bissell / the firm (1988)
diğer roller: sid vicious (sid and nancy), joe orton (prick up your ears), jackie flannery (state of grace), lee harvey oswald (jfk), count dracula (dracula).
25. diane keaton - annie hall / annie hall (1977)
diğer roller: mary wilkie (manhattan), louise bryant (reds).
24. liv ullmann - elisabeth vogler / persona (1966)
diğer roller: maria (cries and whispers), eva rosenberg (shame).
23. sean penn - david kleinfeld / carlito’s way (1993)
diğer roller: terry noonan (state of grace), matthew poncelet (dead man walking), jimmy markum (mystic river).
22. will smith - muhammad ali / ali (2001)
diğer roller: paul (six degrees of separation)
21. dustin hoffman - benjamin braddock / the graduate (1967)
diğer roller: ratso rizzo (midnight cowboy), lenny bruce (lenny), carl bernstein (all the president’s men).
20. jack lemmon - bud baxter / the apartment (1960)
diğer roller: jerry/daphne (some like it hot), harry stoner (save the tiger), shelley levene (glengarry glen ross).
19. kate winslet - clementine kruczynski / eternal sunshine of a spotless mind (2004)
diğer roller: rose dewitt bukater (titanic), sarah pierce (little children), april wheeler (revolutionary road).
18. bette davis - margo channing / all about eve (1950)
diğer roller: julie (jezebel), charlotte vale (now, voyager), baby jane hudson (what ever happened to baby jane?).
17. peter o’toole - te lawrence / lawrence of arabia (1962)
diğer roller: henry ii (the lion in winter), maurice (venus).
16. hilary swank - brandon teena / boys don't cry (1999)
diğer roller: maggie fitzgerald (million dollar baby).
15. sylvester stallone - rocky balboa / rocky (1976)
diğer roller: john j rambo (first blood), sheriff freddy heflin (cop land).
14. jodie foster - sarah tobias / the accused (1988)
diğer roller: iris steensma (taxi driver), clarice starling (the silence of the lambs).
13. tom cruise - frank tj mackey / magnolia (1999)
diğer roller: charlie babbitt (rain man), ron kovic (born on the 4th of july).
12. james stewart - john ‘scottie’ ferguson / vertigo (1958)
diğer roller: george bailey (it’s a wonderful life), howard kemp (the naked spur), lb jefferies (rear window), paul biegler (anatomy of a murder).
11. gene hackman - harry caul / the conversation (1974)
diğer roller: ‘popeye’ doyle (the french connection), lex luthor (superman), bill daggett (unforgiven).
10. meryl streep – sophie / sophie’s choice (1982)
diğer roller: linda (the deer hunter), karen silkwood (silkwood), lindy chamberlain (a cry in the dark), francesca johnson (the bridges of madison county), susan orlean (adaptation).
9. paul newman - fast eddie felson / the hustler (1961)
diğer roller: hud bannon (hud), luke (cool hand luke), butch cassidy (butch cassidy and the sundance kid), frank galvin (the verdict), fast eddie felson (the color of money), john rooney (road to perdition).
8. jane fonda - bree daniels / klute (1971)
diğer roller: gloria beatty (they shoot horses, don’t they?), sally hyde (coming home).
7. denzel washington - malcolm x / malcolm x (1992)
diğer roller: steve biko (cry freedom), pvt trip (glory), alonzo (training day).
6. marlon brando - terry malloy / on the waterfont (1954)
diğer roller: stanley kowalski (a streetcar named desire), kenneth wilcheck (the men), don vito corleone (the godfather), paul (last tango in paris).
5. emily watson - bess / breaking the waves (1996)
diğer roller: lena leonard (punch-drunk love).
4. al pacino - michael corleone / the godfather, part ii (1974)
diğer roller: sonny wortzik (dog day afternoon), frank serpico (serpico), tony montana (scarface), benjamin ‘lefty’ ruggiero (donnie brasco).
3. daniel day-lewis - daniel plainview / there will be blood (2007)
diğer roller: christy brown (my left foot), hawkeye (the last of the mohicans), gerry conlon (in the name of the father), bill cutting (gangs of new york).
2. robert de niro - jake la motta / raging bull (1980)
diğer roller: johnny boy (mean streets), vito corleone (the godfather part ii), travis bickle (taxi driver), michael (the deer hunter), rupert pupkin (the king of comedy), jimmy conway (goodfellas), max cady (cape fear), neil mccauley (heat).
1. jack nicholson - rp mcmurphy / one flew over the cuckoo’s nest (1975)
diğer roller: george hanson (easy rider), robert dupea (five easy pieces), david staebler (the king of marvin gardens), billy ‘bad ass’ buddusky (the last detail), jake gittes (chinatown), jack torrance (the shining), the joker (batman), warren schmidt (about schmidt).
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